Projets internationaux

Projet en cours

Descriptif :

The "MONTADA*" project is carried out in the area of the EUROMED HERITAGE 4 programme. The European Commission approbation was received the 12 december 2008.

The main orientation is the creation of forums about traditionnal mediterranean architecture in three countries of Maghreb. These forums will create the awareness for the locals populations about the value of this architecture. They will take place :
- in Sale and Marrakech, Morocco,
- in Ghardaïa and Dellys, Algeria,
- in Kairouan and Sousse, Tunisia.

This project is a part of the "CORPUS" then "CORPUS-LEVANT" and "REHABIMED" projects, fulfilled in the area of the previous Euromed Heritage program phases. The subject of these four projects is the traditionnal mediterranean architecture. First treated through a phase of typological inventory of architecturals forms of building arts and site, it was then the subject of a practical guidebook of rehabilitation, and finally, as a part of Rehabimed and its global dimension, the establishment of rehabilitation and maintenance strategies.

These knowledge acquisition phases achieved, it was important to be able to go through a phase of mass diffusion of this knowledge to the local population. Knowledge diffusion, but also use of this knowledge, the appropriation by the population of the values carried by this architecture.

Goals of the project :

The global goal of the "MONTADA" project is to promote heritage building by exposing it and by reinforcing its identity through its appropriation by elected representatives and population. An appropriation that lead to the integration of heritage as a factor of durable development (cultural, social, economical, environmental) while reinforcing the mutual comprehension and dialog through cultures, generations and types.

The particular goal of this program is this transfert to the local population, transfert that will occur through various activities sector :
- communications, diffusion and visibility;
- meetings and debate;
- integrated rehabilitation;
- strategical campaign of formation and sensibilisation;
- the town : living heritage;
- school and heritage;
- intercultural dialog for the promotion of mediterranean heritage building.

Main expected results :

- permanent communication, large diffusion and visibility of the project activities;
- reflexion on local heritage problematics in the new governance area, focused on citizen participation;
- amelioration of integrated gestion in heritage building;
- to lead cultural agents, craftmans and professionnals to realize the necessity of integrated gestion of heritage and to improve their skills;
- appropriation and knowledge of traditionnal architecture by inhabitants that truely appreciate its cultural value and housing fonction;
- innovatives pedagogical tools dissemination in the educational environment, aimed at the young, for them to understand et learn to like their heritage;
- intercultural regional dialog between all the actors south/south/ and north/south.

Aimed audience :

Public, professionnals categories, children/educational organisations, locals authorities, non-governmental organization, students, women, young people.

Project partners, besides l'Ecole d'Avignon :
- Col•legi d'Aparelladors i Arquitectes Tècnics de Barcelona (leaders) ;
- Association Bouregreg, Casablanca (Morocco) ;
- Office de protection et de promotion de la vallée du m'Zab à Ghardaïa (Algeria) ;
- Association de sauvegarde de la Médina de Kairouan (Tunisia).

Lenght of the action :

36 months

*In arabic : "meeting place".